Blaming the Watchtower Society
Having spent time on this discussion board
there has been quite a number of negative
threads concerning the Watchtower Society.
True, the Watchtower has done a tremendous
amount of damage in various ways, but are
they the only ones to blame?
Are We Partially to Blame?
One could make the argument that they were
deceived by the Watchtower Society and the
fact of the matter is that the spin doctors
and propagandists in Brooklyn have had
more than a century to practice their trade.
Easy to scapegoat
However, we have to look deep within our-
selves and ask the question "why?" "Why,
when I had the opportunity to research, in-
vestigate, study and do a background check
on the Watchtower Society did I not do it?"
Prior to the Internet
Obviously, prior to the internet it would have
been a more challenging if not, a more difficult
quest to gather the information about the Watch-
tower Society that we have at our finger tips today.
Thank goodness for modern technology.
Shouldering some of the responsibility
Although, this maybe true, it still does not entirely
excuse us for allowing a corrupt corporation to totally
and unequivocally bind us to their dogmatic doctrines.
The Wanderer